Albania to Croatia Train

There are no direct trains from Albania to Croatia. While theoretically you could combine several train routes in order to travel from Albania to Croatia by train, that really makes no sense since all other ways of travelling would save you a lot more time and money.

Trains in Albania are operated by Hekurudha Shqiptare (Albanian Railways).

The most popular travelling route from Albania to Croatia is Tirana – Dubrovnik. However, there is no train from Tirana to Dubrovnik. Even if you decide, for some reason, to reach Zagreb or Split by train, the railway in Croatia stops in Split so there is no further train connection to Dubrovnik. In that case, you would need to consider one of the alternative ways to travel to Dubrovnik.

If trying to stick to ground transportation, consider taking a bus from Tirana to Dubrovnik as a much easier way of travelling. There are up to 2 daily departures, including a night bus. Tickets start from €40 and the journey takes about 11 hours.