Netherlands to Croatia Train

Trains from the Netherlands to Croatia are one of the least popular ways of travelling between these two countries. There is no direct train connecting the Netherlands and Croatia, although it is possible to travel by train between these two countries.

Also, it is not possible to buy a ticket for the entire distance from the Netherlands to Croatia, but you will need to make your own combination of journeys if your goal is to use the train as much as possible. The route usually goes via Frankfurt, Munich and Vienna.

Below is the guide for each popular train route from the Netherlands to Croatia.

Amsterdam – Zagreb

There are no direct trains from Amsterdam to Zagreb, but it is possible to travel between these cities by train. The route usually goes via Munich and that means you will need to buy two tickets for separate journeys; Amsterdam – Munich and Munich – Zagreb.

On the train route from Amsterdam to Munich, there is usually one train change required, the route is operated by InterCity Express (ICE) trains. There are several departures daily and the journey usually takes around 7 hours or more, depending on the departure.

Once in Munich, you can continue by a direct train to Zagreb for an additional 9 hours. Check out all the train departures from Munich to Zagreb.

In order to avoid the hassle with waiting and the train changes, consider taking a bus from Amsterdam to Zagreb. This is a more convenient way of travelling if trying to stick to ground transportation. There are up to 2 daily departures with tickets starting from €65. The journey takes approximately 24 hours.

Amsterdam – Dubrovnik

There is no train from Amsterdam to Dubrovnik. Getting from Amsterdam by train is possible only to Split, with multiple train changes. The railway in Croatia stops in Split so there is no further train connection to Dubrovnik.

Anyway, if for some reason you want to travel from Amsterdam to Dubrovnik by using the train as much as possible, here is how to do it:

An estimated total travelling time is no less than 28 hours, not including the waiting time in between. An estimated total price of all tickets is not under €110.

However, if time is on your side and you don’t like travelling by plane, you can consider taking a bus from Amsterdam to Dubrovnik. There is up to 1 daily departure with tickets starting from €99. The journey takes around 34 hours.